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About lasalle

Awards and achievements

Taking pride in what we do and who we are.

Man opening the door with a card

在LaSalle,我们非常自豪地认可我们的员工和我们的公司所取得的成就. From our efforts in sustainability or diversity, 公平和包容贯穿于我们的澳门黄金城赌城业绩, 我们很自豪能够得到澳门黄金城赌城管理行业和社会的认可.

Award highlights

World’s Most Admired Companies

World's most ethical companies 2022

Most Ethical Companies

Award Achievements Well Health Rating

WELL Portfolio North America

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WELL Portfolio Asia Pacific

Our awards and achievements

Award Achievements Well Health Rating
Apr 25, 2022 仲量联行在亚太地区41处物业获得WELL健康安全评级 3 min read 美国114个办公室和多户住宅的安全等级.S. 和加拿大通过国际WELL建筑研究所(IWBI).
Mar 14, 2022 LaSalle Canada Property Fund的1652和1672 Tricont获得LEED®银牌 3 min read LaSalle Investment Management(“LaSalle”)宣布1652和1672 Tricont, 其在加拿大的旗舰核心房地产基金中的两个A级物流物业, LaSalle Canada Property Fund (“LCPF” or “the fund”), 获得了加拿大绿色建筑委员会颁发的著名的LEED®银牌认证. LEED是全球公认的可持续发展成就和领导力的指标.
Award Achievements Well Health Rating
Feb 03, 2022 LaSalle在北美的114处房产中获得了WELL健康安全评级 3 min read 美国114个办公室和多户住宅的安全等级.S. 和加拿大通过国际WELL建筑研究所(IWBI).
Dec 13, 2021 LaSalle named a “Best Place to Work” by Pensions & Investments for sixth year running 3 min read LaSalle Investment Management(“LaSalle”)很高兴地宣布,它已经获得了梦寐以求的称号,被养老金协会评为“资金管理领域最佳工作场所” & Investments (P&I) for the sixth year in a row.
Dec 07, 2021 CDP Climate A-List 5 min read LaSalle Investment Management(“LaSalle”)今天宣布完成了LaSalle Canadian Income的最终收盘 & 增长优势基金(“CIG优势”,“基金”),总金额为3.06亿加元.
Award Achievements Top GRESB Ratings
Oct 18, 2021 LaSalle在ESG澳门黄金城赌城和减少碳排放方面获得了多项GRESB最高评级 3 min read LaSalle Investment Management(“LaSalle”)欣然宣布,旗下5只基金在2021年全球房地产可持续发展基准(GRESB)中获得最高分。, a leading global environmental, social and gov-ernance (ESG) measure, recognizing LaSalle’s commitment to ESG performance.
Award Achievements Chicago Red Cross
Jun 24, 2021 LaSalle被评为2021年芝加哥红十字会企业威斯伯里奖得主 3 min read LaSalle Investment Management(“LaSalle”)高兴地宣布,它已被美国红十字会(“红十字会”)大芝加哥分会评为2021年Wesbury企业奖得主.
Jun 17, 2021 LaSalle Canada Property Fund的275 Slater Street获得了著名的LEED®白金认证 3 min read 仲量联行澳门黄金城赌城管理公司(“仲量联行”)宣布, 加拿大旗舰核心房地产基金中的渥太华市中心房产, LaSalle Canada Property Fund (“LCPF” or “the fund”), earned the prestigious LEED® Platinum v4.1 Certification for Operations and Maintenance.
Award Achievements ENERGY STAR 2021
Apr 13, 2021 LaSalle连续第三年获得2021年能源之星®年度合作伙伴奖 3 min read LaSalle Investment Management(“LaSalle”)自豪地宣布,它获得了美国能源署颁发的2021年能源之星®年度合作伙伴奖.S. Environmental Protection Agency and the U.S.
Award Achievements JLL IPT Penfield
Mar 09, 2021 jlllippt的Penfield被Active Design中心评为“最佳健康建筑” 3 min read JLL Income Property Trust, an institutionally managed daily NAV REIT (NASDAQ: ZIPTAX; ZIPTMX; ZIPIAX; ZIPIMX) with more than $3.50亿美元的澳门黄金城赌城组合资产,以及由仲量联行澳门黄金城赌城管理公司(LaSalle Investment Management)提供咨询的85处房产, is pleased to announce The Penfield, a Class A, 254-unit apartment community in St. Paul, Minnesota, 获得了主动设计中心Fitwel项目管理的“最佳建筑健康”奖的认可.
Award Achievements Firm of the Year France Japan
Mar 01, 2021 仲量联行在2020年PERE大奖中被评为日本和法国“年度最佳事务所” 3 min read LaSalle Investment Management (LaSalle)今天宣布,在2020年PERE大奖中获得双重荣誉, 获得年度最佳律所-日本和年度最佳律所-法国.
Award Achievements BREEAM
Feb 22, 2021 LaSalle在完成60伦敦墙后获得BREEAM“杰出”认证 5 min read LaSalle is delighted to announce that 60 London Wall, a 10-storey office development in the City of London, 获得了著名的BREEAM杰出可持续性评级.

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